You are more than
a student!

Christian students play an important role as ambassadors for the kingdom of God. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Students live among people who pursue higher education and who will eventually adopt leadership positions in their societies. Every society needs leaders who know Jesus and who can lead according to Biblical principles.

  • In the past few decades, the global number of international students has grown exponentially. Exchange programs make the option of higher education abroad possible for young people from nearly all nations. No matter where you study, you can meet people from all over the world. Many of your fellow students will come from hard-to-reach people groups which are otherwise inaccessible to missionaries.

  • Faith and science challenge each other. In these debates it is important that Christian students be ready to take the floor. After all, the Bible tells us that we should “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Pet 3:15).

One of Tent’s visions is to reach all workplaces with the Gospel. As a student, your campus and your place of study are your workplace. Here you will meet people with whom you will stay in contact for a long time – maybe even for a lifetime. Some of them already know Jesus, and others do not. According to Barna Research, friendships between Christians and non-Christians is the main reason why new people start to believe in Jesus. By being good students and by building friendships with the people you have around us, you can show who Jesus is in word and deed.


Ruth Siemens was a pioneer within the international Christian student movement. As a student, you may be able to find inspiration through her article titled “Fishing out Seekers”. We also recommend reading the article “Why Did Paul Make Tents?”


Send us a word if you plan to study abroad, or if you want to relate better to the international students at your place of study. Please fill this form to get in touch with us. We will connect with you as soon as we can.