You are more than
a professional!

“Are you in full-time ministry for the Lord?”

Tent has asked this question to hundreds of people. Usually it is only those who work in congregations, churches and Christian organizations who raise their hands to confirm that they are full-time workers for God. Here is the good news for the rest of us: It is possible to have a full-time ministry in God’s kingdom through all honest work! By using your skills and committing yourself to doing a good job, you can contribute in building up the community and the nation in which the Lord has placed you. And, through conversations with colleagues, you can show the way to Jesus.

Here are some of the reasons why Tent wants to recruit Christian professionals for work abroad:

  • Professionals use their talents to build communities and nations. This is a calling we have from God (Isa 58). Christian professionals can show how good work and faith can go hand in hand, and how Christian values can form a good foundation for any workplace or society.

  • Many nations lack the expertise that is taken for granted in more developed nations. Therefore it is important that we are willing to move to bring valuable and much-needed development to new areas.

  • Most of the world’s unreached people groups live within national borders that are closed to Christian missions. Christian professionals are welcomed everywhere – even in countries that persecute followers of Jesus. We therefore believe that Christian professionals are a key group God will use to make the good news about Jesus Christ known all over the world.

One of Tent’s visions is to reach all workplaces with the gospel.  A workplace is a meeting place between people who know Jesus and those who are not yet familiar with him. According to Barna Research, friendships between Christians and non-Christians is the main reason why new people start to believe in Jesus. By being good workers and by building friendships with the people we have around us, we can show who Jesus is in word and deed.


The article “Why Did Paul Make Tents?” can give you some ideas on how you can integrate your faith into your everyday life as a professional.


Please contact Tent through this form if you are thinking of serving God by using your profession in another culture or nation. We look forward to hearing from you!